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talks [2018/12/04 12:37]
talks [2019/12/27 23:01] (current)
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 ===== Conferences ===== ===== Conferences =====
 ^ **Title** ^ **Event** ^ **Date** ^ **Link** ^ ^ **Title** ^ **Event** ^ **Date** ^ **Link** ^
 +| Applications of Shioda-Inose structures in arithmetic | December Workshop, Padova, Italy | 09-10.12.2019 | [[https://​www.math.unipd.it/​~klooster/​Workshop.html|Webpage]] |
 +| Hypergeometric differential equations and hypergeometric motives | Jubileuszowy Zjazd Matematyków Polskich w 100-lecie PTM, Kraków, Poland | 03-07.09.2019 | [[https://​100latptm.matinf.uj.edu.pl/​files/​abstrakty/​TeoriaLiczb_A4.pdf|Webpage]] |
 +| Hypergeometric differential equations and hypergeometric motives | Representation Theory XVI, Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia | 24-29.06.2019 | [[https://​web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/​~congress/​Dubrovnik19/​|Webpage]] |
 +| Discussion panel on higher congruences | Eisenstein ideal and Iwasawa theory, Morningside Center of Mathematics,​ Beijing, China | 17-22.06.2019 | [[http://​eiit2019.csp.escience.cn/​dct/​page/​1|Webpage ]] |
 | Point counts on elliptic surfaces inspired by the theory of motives | ALANT 5, Będlewo, Poland | 24-29.06.2018 | [[http://​alant.math.us.edu.pl|Webpage]] | | Point counts on elliptic surfaces inspired by the theory of motives | ALANT 5, Będlewo, Poland | 24-29.06.2018 | [[http://​alant.math.us.edu.pl|Webpage]] |
 | Elliptic surfaces | Lectures on computational aspects of algebraic geometry, Zagreb, Croatia | 13-17.06.2018 | [[https://​web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/​~mkazal/​workshop/​|Webpage]] | | Elliptic surfaces | Lectures on computational aspects of algebraic geometry, Zagreb, Croatia | 13-17.06.2018 | [[https://​web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/​~mkazal/​workshop/​|Webpage]] |
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 ===== Seminars ===== ===== Seminars =====
 ^ **Title** ^ **Event** ^ **Date** ^ **Link** ^ ^ **Title** ^ **Event** ^ **Date** ^ **Link** ^
 +| Rational points on elliptic curves over function fields | SFB/TRR45 Kolloquium, Mainz, Germany | 14.02.2019 | [[https://​www.agtz.mathematik.uni-mainz.de/​aktuelles/​sfbtrr45-kolloquium/​|Webpage]] |
 +| Hypergeometric differential equations and hypergeometric motives | Algebra and Number Theory Seminar, Dublin, Ireland | 15.02.2018 | [[https://​maths.ucd.ie/​~osburn/​seminar1718.html | Webpage ]] |
 +| Hypergeometric motives of low degrees | Heilbronn Number Theory Seminar, Bristol, United Kingdom | 07.02.2018 | [[https://​www.bristolmathsresearch.org/​events/​heilbronn-number-theory/​| Webpage ]] |
 | Hypergeometric motives of low degrees | Algebraic geometry and Number Theory Seminar, Jagiellonian University, Kraków | 15.01.2018 | [[http://​www2.im.uj.edu.pl/​katedry/​KGATL/​seminar/​|Webpage ]] | | Hypergeometric motives of low degrees | Algebraic geometry and Number Theory Seminar, Jagiellonian University, Kraków | 15.01.2018 | [[http://​www2.im.uj.edu.pl/​katedry/​KGATL/​seminar/​|Webpage ]] |
 | Hypergeometric motives of low degrees | IMPANGA Seminar, IMPAN, Warsaw | 12.01.2018 | [[https://​www.impan.pl/​~alan/​IMPANGA.html|Webpage ]] | | Hypergeometric motives of low degrees | IMPANGA Seminar, IMPAN, Warsaw | 12.01.2018 | [[https://​www.impan.pl/​~alan/​IMPANGA.html|Webpage ]] |