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talks [2017/09/02 12:39]
admin [Conferences]
talks [2019/06/25 23:09]
admin [Conferences]
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 ===== Conferences ===== ===== Conferences =====
 ^ **Title** ^ **Event** ^ **Date** ^ **Link** ^ ^ **Title** ^ **Event** ^ **Date** ^ **Link** ^
-| Hypergeometric motives of low degrees | Workshop on Algorithms in Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry | 31.07 - 04.08.2017 | [[https://​www.universiteitleiden.nl/​en/​events/​2017/​07/​workshop-on-algorithms-in-number-theory-and-arithmetic-geometry | Webpage]] | +| Hypergeometric differential equations and hypergeometric motives | Representation Theory XVI | Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia | 24-29.06.2019 | [[https://​web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/​~congress/​Dubrovnik19/​|Webpage]] | 
-| Zeta functions, Weil conjectures and how to apply them | Workshop on Modern Applied Mathematics PK 2015 | 20-22.11.2015 | [[http://​wmam.pk.edu.pl/​ | Webpage ]] |+| Point counts on elliptic surfaces inspired by the theory of motives | ALANT 5, Będlewo, Poland | 24-29.06.2018 | [[http://​alant.math.us.edu.pl|Webpage]] | 
 +| Elliptic surfaces | Lectures on computational aspects of algebraic geometry, Zagreb, Croatia | 13-17.06.2018 | [[https://​web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/​~mkazal/​workshop/​|Webpage]] | 
 +| Motivic decomposition of K3 surfaces with high Picard rank | Research Group: Motives of Calabi-Yau manifolds, Kraków, Poland | 18-22.05.2018 | [[https://​sites.google.com/​site/​impaninkrakow/​|Webpage]] | 
 +| [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=xzI8nEtSbuw&​frags=pl%2Cwn|Elliptic and hyperelliptic realisations of low degree hypergeometric motives]] | Periods in Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry and Physics, Bonn, Germany | 03.01-20.04.2018 | [[https://​www.him.uni-bonn.de/​programs/​past-programs/​past-trimester-programs/​periods-2018/​description/​| Webpage]] | 
 +| Introduction to Computer Algebra System | International Autumn School on Computational Number Theory, Izmir, Turkey | 30.10-03.11.2017 | [[https://​ascnt2017.wordpress.com/​schedule/​ |Webpage ]] | 
 +| Hypergeometric motives of low degrees and their connection to elliptic and hyperelliptic curves | Workshop "​Arithmetic of Hyperelliptic Curves",​ Trieste, Italy | 04.09-08.09.2017 | [[https://​people.maths.bris.ac.uk/​~matyd/​Trieste2017.html|Webpage]] | 
 +| L-functions and Galois representations | 20th International Workshop for Young Mathematicians “Number Theory”, Kraków, Poland ​ | 17.09-23.09.2017 | [[http://​kmsuj.im.uj.edu.pl/​workshop/​index.php|Webpage]] 
 +| Hypergeometric motives of low degrees | Workshop on Algorithms in Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry, Leiden, Netherlands ​| 31.07 - 04.08.2017 | [[https://​www.universiteitleiden.nl/​en/​events/​2017/​07/​workshop-on-algorithms-in-number-theory-and-arithmetic-geometry | Webpage]] | 
 +| Zeta functions, Weil conjectures and how to apply them | Workshop on Modern Applied Mathematics PK 2015, Kraków, Poland ​| 20-22.11.2015 | [[http://​wmam.pk.edu.pl/​ | Webpage ]] |
 | Generalized Fermat equations x2+y3=zp – a progress report | Jahrestagung SPP 1489, Osnabrück, Germany | 28.09-02.10.2015 | [[http://​www.spptagung.uni-osnabrueck.de | Webpage ]] | | Generalized Fermat equations x2+y3=zp – a progress report | Jahrestagung SPP 1489, Osnabrück, Germany | 28.09-02.10.2015 | [[http://​www.spptagung.uni-osnabrueck.de | Webpage ]] |
-| Mordell-Weil ranks in families of elliptic curves parametrized by binary quadratic forms | DMV-PTM Joint Meeting, Poznań, ​Polska ​| 17-20.09.2014 | [[http://​dmv.ptm.org.pl/​ | Webpage ]] | +| Mordell-Weil ranks in families of elliptic curves parametrized by binary quadratic forms | DMV-PTM Joint Meeting, Poznań, ​Poland ​| 17-20.09.2014 | [[http://​dmv.ptm.org.pl/​ | Webpage ]] | 
-| Mordell-Weil ranks in families of elliptic curves parametrized by binary quadratic forms | ALANT 2014 | 8-13.06.2014 | [[http://​alant.math.us.edu.pl/​program.php | Webpage ]] | +| Mordell-Weil ranks in families of elliptic curves parametrized by binary quadratic forms | ALANT 2014, Będlewo, Poland ​| 8-13.06.2014 | [[http://​alant.math.us.edu.pl/​program.php | Webpage ]] | 
-| Punkty wymierne na krzywych eliptycznych parametryzowanych przez trójki pitagorejskie | 5 Forum Matematyków Polskich, Rzeszów, ​Polska ​| 16-20.09.2013 | [[http://​5forum.ptm.org.pl/​sesje-tematyczne#​sesja3 | Webpage]] |+| Punkty wymierne na krzywych eliptycznych parametryzowanych przez trójki pitagorejskie | 5 Forum Matematyków Polskich, Rzeszów, ​Poland ​| 16-20.09.2013 | [[http://​5forum.ptm.org.pl/​sesje-tematyczne#​sesja3 | Webpage]] |
 | Mordell-Weil ranks of families of elliptic curves associated to Pythagorean triples | Journées Arithmétiques 2013, Grenoble, France | 1-5.07.2013 | [[http://​www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/​ja2013/​index-en.htm | Webpage]] | | Mordell-Weil ranks of families of elliptic curves associated to Pythagorean triples | Journées Arithmétiques 2013, Grenoble, France | 1-5.07.2013 | [[http://​www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/​ja2013/​index-en.htm | Webpage]] |
 | On higher congruences between cusp forms and Eisenstein series | Workshop on Galois representations modulo prime powers, Luxembourg | 17-21.06.2013 | [[http://​math.uni.lu/​~wiese/​2013-WPN/​index.html| Webpage]] | | On higher congruences between cusp forms and Eisenstein series | Workshop on Galois representations modulo prime powers, Luxembourg | 17-21.06.2013 | [[http://​math.uni.lu/​~wiese/​2013-WPN/​index.html| Webpage]] |
 | On higher congruences between cusp forms and Eisenstein series | "​Explicit Methods for Modular Forms",​ Warwick, UK |18.03-22.03.13 | [[http://​www2.warwick.ac.uk/​fac/​sci/​maths/​research/​events/​2012-2013/​numbertheory/​mod/​ | Webpage]] | | On higher congruences between cusp forms and Eisenstein series | "​Explicit Methods for Modular Forms",​ Warwick, UK |18.03-22.03.13 | [[http://​www2.warwick.ac.uk/​fac/​sci/​maths/​research/​events/​2012-2013/​numbertheory/​mod/​ | Webpage]] |
-| Mordell-Weil ranks of families of elliptic curves associated to Pythagorean triples | "​Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry",​ Kraków | 28.06-1.07.12 | [[http://​aag2012.up.krakow.pl/​ | Webpage]] |+| Mordell-Weil ranks of families of elliptic curves associated to Pythagorean triples | "​Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry",​ Kraków, Poland ​| 28.06-1.07.12 | [[http://​aag2012.up.krakow.pl/​ | Webpage]] |
 ===== Seminars ===== ===== Seminars =====
 ^ **Title** ^ **Event** ^ **Date** ^ **Link** ^ ^ **Title** ^ **Event** ^ **Date** ^ **Link** ^
 +| Hypergeometric differential equations and hypergeometric motives | Algebra and Number Theory Seminar, Dublin, Ireland | 15.02.2018 | [[https://​maths.ucd.ie/​~osburn/​seminar1718.html | Webpage ]] |
 +| Hypergeometric motives of low degrees | Heilbronn Number Theory Seminar, Bristol, United Kingdom | 07.02.2018 | [[https://​www.bristolmathsresearch.org/​events/​heilbronn-number-theory/​| Webpage ]] |
 +| Hypergeometric motives of low degrees | Algebraic geometry and Number Theory Seminar, Jagiellonian University, Kraków | 15.01.2018 | [[http://​www2.im.uj.edu.pl/​katedry/​KGATL/​seminar/​|Webpage ]] |
 +| Hypergeometric motives of low degrees | IMPANGA Seminar, IMPAN, Warsaw | 12.01.2018 | [[https://​www.impan.pl/​~alan/​IMPANGA.html|Webpage ]] |
 +| Generalized Fermat'​s equation of type (2,3,n) | Number theory Seminar, IMPAN, Warsaw | 15.12.2017 | [[https://​www.impan.pl/​pl/​dzialalnosc/​seminaria/​teoria-liczb|Webpage]] |
 | Generalized Fermat'​s equation of type (2,3,n) | Seminar on Number Theory and Algebra, Zagreb | 14.12.2016 | [[https://​web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/​~duje/​semeng.html|Webpage]] | | Generalized Fermat'​s equation of type (2,3,n) | Seminar on Number Theory and Algebra, Zagreb | 14.12.2016 | [[https://​web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/​~duje/​semeng.html|Webpage]] |
 | Generalized Fermat'​s equation of type (2,3,n) | Linfoot Seminar, University of Bristol | 05.10.2016 | | | Generalized Fermat'​s equation of type (2,3,n) | Linfoot Seminar, University of Bristol | 05.10.2016 | |