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1. Analytic Number Theory

2. Algebraic Geometry

3. Arithmetic Geometry

4. Banach Spaces and Operator Theory with applications

5. Complex Analysis

6. Computational Logic

7. Difference equations and their application in the mathematical modeling

8. Dynamic Systems with Fractional and Time Scale Derivatives

9. General forms of self-similarity in algebra and topology

10. Generalized convexity

11. Geometric Analysis and Related Topics

12. Geometry and Topology of Manifolds

13. Global existence versus blowup in nonlinear parabolic systems

14. Group Rings and Related Topics

15. Groups and Topology

16. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems

17. Functional Analysis: relations to Complex Analysis and PDE

18. Harmonic analysis, orthogonal expansions and Dunkl theory

19. Information and Communication in Mathematics

20. Knot Theory

21. Mathematical models for biological invasion

22. Multivariate stochastic modelling in finance, insurance and risk management

23. Nonlinear Evolution Equations and their Applications

24. Nonlinear PDEs with applications in materials science and biology

25. Nonlocal Phenomena: Levy processes and related operators

26. Physics and Differential Topology

27. Probabilistic and Extremal Combinatorics

28. Probabilistic models of large real networks

29. Quaternion-Kähler manifolds and related structures in Riemannian and algebraic geometry

30. Real Algebraic Geometry, applications and related topics

31. Representation Theory, Transformation Groups, and Applications

32. Set Theory

33. Spaces of analytic functions

34. SPDE: stochastic analysis and dynamics

35. Topological Fixed Point Theory and Related Topics

36. Topology in Functional Analysis

37. Wild algebraic & geometric topology

38. Variational Methods in Nonlinear Analysis

39. Contributed talks