Table of Contents

SFARA seminar:

Part I

Meetings: B1-38, Mondays 10:30 - 11:45

Lectures on linear algebraic groups, by prof. W. Gajda.

This is a course based on textbooks by Borel, Humphreys and Springer.

Part II

Meetings: B1-37, Mondays 12:00 - 13:30

Literature: David A. Cox, Primes of the form x^2+n y^2

Syllabus: Detailed plan of lectures.


Date Lecturer Topic Files
14.10.13 Bartosz Naskręcki Intoductory lecture
21.10.13 Jędrzej Garnek Lagrange, Legendre and quadratic forms
28.10.13 Maciej Zalewski Gauss, composition and genera
4.11.13 Dorota Blinkiewicz Cubic and biquadratic reciprocity
18.11.13 Wojciech Gajda The Hilbert class field and p=x*x+ny*y Wykład 5 , Symbol Artina
25.11.13 Wojciech Politarczyk The Hilbert class field and genus theory
2.12.13 Adrian Łydka Orders in imaginary quadratic fields
9.12.13 Bartłomiej Bzdęga Class field theory and the Cebotarev density Tw. Czebotariowa - notatki z wykładu
16.12.13 Stefan Barańczuk Ring class fields and p=x*x+ny*y
18.12.13 Krzysztof Górnisiewicz Elliptic functions and complex multiplication
13.01.14 Wojciech Gajda Modular functions and ring class fields
20.01.14 Bartosz Naskręcki Modular functions and singular $j$-invariants
27.01.14 Bartosz Naskręcki The class equation