====== Conferences and Schools ====== ===== Organized/Co-organized events ===== ^ **Name** ^ **Dates** ^ **Place** ^ **Link** ^ |DMV-PTM Joint Meeting 2014 | 17-20.09.2014 | Poznań, Poland | [[http://dmv.ptm.org.pl/|Webpage]] | | Sesja tematyczna: Geometria Arytmetyczna i Teoria Liczb | 10-11.09.2015 | 6 Forum Matematyków Polskich, Warszawa, Poland | [[http://6forum.ptm.org.pl/program-sesji-tematycznych-0#S3| Webpage ]] | | Thematic session:Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry | 17-20.09.2018 | UMI-SIMAI-PTM Joint Meeting, Wrocław, Poland | [[http://umi-simai.ptm.org.pl|Webpage]] | ===== Participant ===== ^ **Name** ^ **Dates** ^ **Place** ^ **Link** ^ | Clay Summer School 2009 | 15.06.09-10.07.09 | Honolulu, Hawaii, USA | [[http://www.claymath.org/past-summer-schools|School site]] | | Shimura Varieties and L-functions | 19.10.09-24.10.09 | Barcelona, Spain | [[http://www.crm.cat/acshimura/| School site]] | | Arithmetic Geometry for Function Fields of Positive Characteristic | 22.02.10-05.03.10 | Barcelona, Spain | [[http://www.crm.cat/acarithff/ | School site]] | | Advanced Courses on Modularity |14.06.10-25.06.10 | Barcelona, Spain | [[http://www.crm.cat/Activitats/Activitats/2009-2010/acmodulari/web-acmodulari/default.htm | School site]] | | MSRI Arithmetic Statistics: Connections for Women | 27.01.11-28.01.11 | Berkeley, California, USA | [[http://www.msri.org/web/msri/scientific/workshops/show/-/event/Wm538|Conference site]] | | MSRI Arithmetic Statistics: Introductory Workshop | 31.01.11-04.02.11 | Berkeley, California, USA | [[http://www.msri.org/web/msri/scientific/workshops/show/-/event/Wm539|Workshop site]] | | School and Conference on Modular Forms and Mock Modular Forms and their Applications in Arithmetic, Geometry and Physics | 07.03.11-11.03.11 | Trieste, Italy | [[http://cdsagenda5.ictp.it/full_display.php?email=0&ida=a10129|School site]] | | Spring School on higher dimensional class field theory | 14.03.11-18.03.11 | Mainz, Germany | [[http://www.sfb45.de/events/spring-school-on-higher-dimensional-class-field-theory| School site]] | | Abelian Varieties & Galois Actions | 6.06.11-8.06.11 | Poznan, Poland | [[http://avga.wmi.amu.edu.pl/|Conference site]] | | Summer School and Conference "Computations with Modular Forms 2011" | 29.08.11-08.09.11 | Heidelberg, Germany | [[http://www1.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/conferences/modularforms11|School and conference site]] | | PhD school: Modular Galois representations modulo prime powers. | 6-9.12.11 | Copenhagen, Denmark | [[http://www.math.ku.dk/~kiming/courses/2011-2012/phd_school/index.html|School site]] | | Winter School on Galois Theory | 15-24.02.12 | Luxembourg | [[http://galois.pratum.net/| Webpage]] | | Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry | 28.06-1.07.12 | Kraków, Poland | [[http://aag2012.up.krakow.pl/ | Webpage]] | | 6th European Congress of Mathematics | 2-7.07.12 | Kraków, Poland | [[http://www.6ecm.pl/ | Webpage ]] | | Explicit Methods for Modular Forms | 18-22.03.13 | Warwick, UK | [[http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/maths/research/events/2012-2013/numbertheory/mod/ | Webpage ]] | | Workshop on Galois representations modulo prime powers | 17-21.06.2013 | Luxembourg | [[http://math.uni.lu/~wiese/2013-WPN/index.html| Webpage]] | | Journées Arithmétiques 2013 | 1 - 5.07.2013 | Grenoble, France | [[http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/ja2013/index-en.html | Webpage]] | | Sage Days: Algorithms in Arithmetic Geometry |22-26.07.2013 | Leiden, Netherlands | [[http://www.lorentzcenter.nl/lc/web/2013/571/info.php3?wsid=571&venue=Snellius | Webpage]] | | 5 Forum Matematyków Polskich | 16-20.09.2013 | Rzeszów, Polska | [[http://5forum.ptm.org.pl/ | Webpage ]] | | Kosmos Summer School: MZV in Mathematics and Physics | 1-5.10.2013 | Berlin, Germany | [[http://www2.mathematik.hu-berlin.de/~mzv/| Webpage]] | | Alant 2014 | 8-13.06.2014 | Będlewo, Poland | [[http://alant.math.us.edu.pl/ | Webpage]] | | DMV-PTM Joint Meeting | 17-20.09.2014 | Poznan, Poland | [[http://dmv.ptm.org.pl/| Webpage]] | | Workshop on Galois representations | 19-21.11.2014 | Luxembourg | [[http://math.uni.lu/~hui/program.html | Webpage]] | | Rational Points 2015 | 28.06-05.07.2015 | Schloss Schney, Germany | [[http://www.mathe2.uni-bayreuth.de/stoll/workshop2015/index.html | Webpage]] | | Jahrestagung SPP 1489 | 28.09-02.10.2015 | Osnabrück, Germany | [[https://www.spptagung.uni-osnabrueck.de/ | Webpage]] | | Workshop on Modern Applied Mathematics PK 2015 | 20-22.11.2015 | Kraków, Poland | [[https://wmam.pk.edu.pl | Webpage]] | | British Mathematical Colloqium | 21-24.03.2016 | Bristol, UK | [[http://www.maths.bris.ac.uk/~matyd/BMC/|Webpage]] | | Explicit Methods in Number Theory: Conference in Honour of John Cremona's 60th Birthday | 4-8.04.2016 | Warwick, UK |[[https://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/maths/research/events/2015-16/nonsymposium/emnt/|Webpage]] | | LMFDB Workshop | 09-13.05.2016 | San Jose, California | [[http://www.lmfdb.org/|Webpage]] | | Arithmetic statistics and the Cohen-Lenstra heuristics | 27.06-01.07.2016 | Warwick, UK | [[http://homepages.warwick.ac.uk/~maslan/CL/speakers.html|Webpage]] | | Recent Developments on Elliptic Curves | 26.09 - 30.09.2016 | Oxford, UK | [[http://claymath.org/events/recent-developments-elliptic-curves|Webpage]]| | New Trends in Arithmetic and Geometry of Algebraic Surfaces | 12.03 - 17.03.2017 | Banff, Canada | [[http://www.birs.ca/events/2017/5-day-workshops/17w5146|Webpage]]| | Modular forms are everywhere | 15.05 - 26.05.2017 | Bonn, Germany | [[http://www.mi.uni-koeln.de/modular2017/index.html|Webpage]]| | Workshop on Algorithms in Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry | 31.07-04.08.2017 | Leiden, Netherlands | [[https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/events/2017/07/workshop-on-algorithms-in-number-theory-and-arithmetic-geometry|Webpage]]| | Workshop "Arithmetic of Hyperelliptic Curves" | 04.09-08.09.2017 | Trieste, Italy | [[https://people.maths.bris.ac.uk/~matyd/Trieste2017.html|Webpage]] | | 20th International Workshop for Young Mathematicians "Number Theory" | 17.09-23.09.2017 | Kraków, Poland | [[http://kmsuj.im.uj.edu.pl/warsztaty/|Webpage]]|